The Musical Ecologies series at the Old Stone House recently surpassed a decade of activity as a monthly symposium on music and sound. All told, the series unfolded over the course of 73 events from October 2012 to March 2023. I began the series primarily out of a need for more conversation about music, and the many free-flowing exchanges we had truly met that need. Much has changed since the series began, both in my own life and in the wider community, and after a good deal of soul searching I have decided to conclude this chapter of Musical Ecologies.

It’s been a great experience hosting these events, and I am grateful for the support of family, friends and the Old Stone House organization, in particular OSH Director Kim Maier, for making it possible to continue the project for so many years. And I am especially grateful to the many artists who participated in the series, and to all who attended the events, and in doing so helping create a sense of community.

Looking ahead to the future, while I plan to focus on other projects, I expect to continue exploring ways of manifesting the concept of Musical Ecologies, as a platform for writing, radio programming or other forms of curating. I will also be gradually organizing the considerable volume of documentation the series generated and making more of these materials available online.

I certainly made a lot of the new friends through the series, and re-connected with many longtime friends, and I hope to keep in touch with all of you. The Musical Ecologies website and Facebook page will remain active for the time being, and I invite you to join my personal email list for news of future activities. It was a great run, and I thank all of you for being a part of it.

Sincerely, Dan Joseph

A Note About Musical Ecologies…

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